vocational education

There are many opportunities to study a Certificate or Diploma in Disability or Community Services through a vocational education provider. Some disability organisations also have a Registered Training Organisation branch, which means that you can study a course within the environment of a disability organisation. This is an ideal way to become immersed in the sector. Click here to find out more about vocational education in  your state or territory.

Are you a TAFE teacher or student in NSW?

projectABLE gives students the opportunity to gain valuable exposure to the disability and community care sector.

Students learn how they can apply their skills and abilities in a rewarding care career.

We offer a range of free resources and services including:

  • careers workshops
  • student placement opportunities
  • an online careers hub
  • guest speakers to visit your class
  • careers support team to provide advice and guidance as well as to welcome people into the sector

We would like to know how we can work with you.

Contact us at info@projectable.com.au for more information and to discuss potential opportunities.

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